Friday, October 1, 2010

Error on execution of Oracle setup…. Fail to run the Oracle Installation

I have the Oracle set up for oracle 10g to my desktop folder named “Database software setup”. I extract the zip file and try to run the “setup.exe”. Command window for “Starting oracle universal installer” have popped up. It was unable to continue the installation. Following error message popup and end the installation process.  (Figure 1)

An unhandled win32 exception occurred in oui.exe [3020]”

Figure 1

I try several times to run the setup but it was fail. Then I just copy the setup to in to D:\ drive and try again.  This time it got executed without any issue.

Previously my “setup.exe” was in this path.
C:\Documents and Settings\chinthakas\Desktop\Oracle-\10201_database_win32\database

Current path was:

The problem was my oracle installation setup containing folder path was too long......!

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